今夜こんや 日英首脳会談にちえいしゅのうかいだん日英円滑協定にちえいえんかつかきょうてい」に署名しょめい
2023-01-12 11:02:08
Chioxyz 21:01 13/01/2023
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今夜こんや 日英首脳会談にちえいしゅのうかいだん日英円滑協定にちえいえんかつかきょうてい」に署名しょめい
label.tran_page Tonight, the Japan-UK summit will sign the Japan-UK Facilitation Agreement.


label.tran_page Prime Minister Kishida, who is visiting Europe, has arrived in England.
label.tran_page On the evening of the 11th, Prime Minister Sunak will meet with Prime Minister Sunak and is expected to sign a ”Japan-UK Facilitation Agreement” that simplifies procedures for joint exercises between the Self-Defense Forces and the British military.

label.tran_page Prime Minister Kishida arrived at an airport near London in the early hours of the 11th, Japan time.

label.tran_page On the evening of the 11th, I will meet with Prime Minister Sunak at the Tower of London, a World Heritage site.

label.tran_page At the summit meeting, the two countries are expected to sign the ”Japan-UK Facilitation Agreement” toward the realization of a ”free and open Indo-Pacific.”

label.tran_page This will simplify the legal procedures when the Self-Defense Forces and British forces conduct joint exercises.

label.tran_page “It is important that democratic societies stand shoulder to shoulder and overcome unprecedented global challenges,” Sunak said.