Japanese newspaper
55人乗にんのせるのわすれた 滑走路かっそうろ乗客置じょうきゃくおり、旅客機出発りょかくきしゅっぱつ インド
2023-01-15 11:02:03
2018pcmail 02:01 16/01/2023
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55人乗にんのせるのわすれた 滑走路かっそうろ乗客置じょうきゃくおり、旅客機出発りょかくきしゅっぱつ インド
label.tran_page Forgot to carry 55 people Passengers left on runway, airliner departs India


label.tran_page At the airport in Bengaluru, India, there was a happening that a passenger plane departed while leaving some of the passengers who were supposed to board on the shuttle bus and left it on the runway.


label.tran_page With boarding passes in hand, the 55 passengers boarded a shuttle bus to board the GoFast flight to New Delhi.
label.tran_page However, when the same flight departed, the party was still inside the bus.


label.tran_page In a statement sent to CNN, GoFast confirmed the incident, which occurred on March 9.
「G8 116便びん照合作業しょうごうさぎょう手違てちががあり、客様きゃくさまにご迷惑めいわくをおかけしたことをおびします」とべ、のこされた乗客じょうきゃくべつ便びんでニューデリーへき、目的地もくてきちかったと説明せつめいしました
label.tran_page ”We apologize for the inconvenience caused to our customers due to an error in the verification process for G8 flight 116,” he said, explaining that the stranded passengers had taken another flight to New Delhi and headed for their destination.