33のけんには夜間中学やかんちゅうがくがない くには5ねんでつくるように
2021-03-02 12:00:00
Anonymous 21:03 02/03/2021
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33のけんには夜間中学やかんちゅうがくがない くには5ねんでつくるように
label.tran_page There is no night junior high school in 33 prefectures. The country tells us to make it in 5 years.


label.tran_page Public night junior high school teaches at night for those who could not attend school as a child
label.tran_page Recently, foreigners are also studying
label.tran_page There are 5 days a week and you can get a textbook for free.
label.tran_page A junior high school teacher teaches, and if you study all the departments, you will have graduated from junior high school.


label.tran_page The country enacted a law in 2016 telling all prefectures to create night junior high school
label.tran_page After that, night junior high school was established in Saitama and Ibaraki prefectures, but there are no plans yet in 33 prefectures.


label.tran_page There are now more than 180,000 children who do not attend elementary or junior high school
label.tran_page There are about 3 million foreigners living in Japan, and the number of people who need night junior high school is increasing.
label.tran_page For this reason, the country has told all prefectures to create one or more night junior high schools in five years.