Japanese newspaper
2020-08-24 15:02:04Z
Anonymous 08:08 24/08/2020
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label.tran_page NY police start hate crime investigation team


label.tran_page The New York City Police Department of the United States announced that it has launched a specialized investigation team because crimes motivated by hate crime = racial discrimination against Asian residents are increasing.

label.tran_page According to the New York Police Department, the city has reported 21 hate crimes against Asian residents since late March, and 17 cases have led to the arrest of suspects.

label.tran_page Due to the increase in crimes, the New York Police Department launched a specialized investigation team
label.tran_page The team is made up of 25 Asian-American police officers who speak Chinese, Korean, Tagalog, etc. It does not require an interpreter to build a relationship with the victim, making it easier to investigate.