明治めいじ神宮じんぐう外苑がいえんさい開発かいはつ 本格ほんかくてき工事こうじへの準備じゅんび かりかこ設置せっちはじまる
1/30/2023 5:26:11 PM +09:00
2018pcmail 01:01 31/01/2023
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明治めいじ神宮じんぐう外苑がいえんさい開発かいはつ 本格ほんかくてき工事こうじへの準備じゅんび かりかこ設置せっちはじまる
label.tran_page Redevelopment of Meiji Jingu Gaien Preparing for full-scale construction Installation of temporary fences begins
label.tran_page In the redevelopment of Meiji Jingu Gaien, the business operator submitted a construction start notification to the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, and at the site, work to install a temporary fence began as preparations for full-scale construction.