2023-02-07 11:02:12
Karine Wesselmann 22:02 09/02/2023
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label.tran_page Beware of ”restoration to original state” troubles that increase during the moving season


label.tran_page The National Consumer Affairs Center of Japan is calling attention to the trouble of ”restoring to original condition” when moving from a rental housing to restore scratches and dirt to the original state.

label.tran_page  The tenant is obligated to restore the property to its original state when the lease contract ends for stains and damage caused intentionally or by negligence on the part of the tenant.

label.tran_page About 14,000 consumer affairs consultations are received each year, and the number increases especially from February to April, which is the moving season.

label.tran_page  There is no obligation to restore the property to its original condition for damage or deterioration that occurs during normal use, but it can be said that it is difficult to make a decision as rental contracts often extend over a long period of time.

label.tran_page The National Consumer Affairs Center of Japan recommends that you carefully check the details of the contract before signing it and record the condition of the housing when you move in.