来週らいしゅうから国連こくれん総会そうかい首脳しゅのう演説えんぜつ ウクライナ大統領だいとうりょうビデオ演説えんぜつ
9/17/2022 11:51:05 AM +09:00
siddhantpagare2014 13:09 17/09/2022
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来週らいしゅうから国連こくれん総会そうかい首脳しゅのう演説えんぜつ ウクライナ大統領だいとうりょうビデオ演説えんぜつ
label.tran_page A meeting was held at the United Nations General Assembly on the 16th regarding this resolution, and as a result of the vote, ▽ 101 countries such as Europe, the United States, Japan, and India agreed, ▽ 7 countries such as Russia, Belarus, and North Korea opposed, ▽ China 19 countries abstained, including Brazil and Brazil, and the resolution was adopted by a large majority.
label.tran_page The summit speech at the UN General Assembly, which starts next week, will be held in a normal face-to-face format for the first time in three years. Approved by a majority vote after national vote