Japanese newspaper
台風たいふうくずれた土砂どしゃ撤去てっきょちゅうみずながされる 1にん死亡しぼう1にんだいけが 浜松はままつ
9/27/2022 10:13:59 PM +09:00
Anonymous 22:09 27/09/2022
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台風たいふうくずれた土砂どしゃ撤去てっきょちゅうみずながされる 1にん死亡しぼう1にんだいけが 浜松はままつ
label.tran_page 1 person died and 1 person was injured during the removal of earth and sand collapsed by a typhoon Hamamatsu
label.tran_page On the afternoon of the 27th, two construction workers who were removing earth and sand that had collapsed due to heavy rain caused by Typhoon No. one person was seriously injured