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欢迎来到桃源乡 (桃源郷へようこそ)
Welcome to Shangri-la♬曼珠沙華
♬Red spider lilies作詞作曲 まふまふ
Lyrics/music: Mafumafu♬曼珠沙華
♬Red spider lilies絵 たま
Illustrations: Tama♬曼珠沙華
♬Red spider lilies映像 MONO-Devoid
Movie: MONO-Devoid曼珠沙華
Red spider lilies四季の芽吹いた華胥の国
A land of paradise where seasons blossom forth果ても知らずに絢爛に
In splendor, knowing no end桃の香に当てられて
Swayed by the scent of peaches夢見心地
within a waking dream無何有の郷
♬Red spider liliesいつか望んだあの背中
The back I had yearned for one day菫の咲いた小道に
Left down a path of blooming violets♬曼珠沙華
♬Red spider lilies見ないふり
Pretending not to see月並みに泣いた 春のこと
The cominh of spring, shedding tears with the full moon「想 要 什么?(何が欲しいの?)」妄想参照して
"What is it that you desire?" Drawing on delusions一切合切投げ捨てて
Cast it all away今宵は明けるまで
Until dawn steals away the night遊びましょ
Shall we play together♬曼珠沙華
♬Red spider lilies華やかに 踊り踊れや
Let us dance, dance, in brilliant beauty天下の綻び
at the seam of all under heaven手招いた ボクは桃の花
Beckoning you closer, am I a peach blossom?それとも曼珠沙華
Or a red spider lily?「想见你」 (君に会いたい)
I want to see you君が望むなら
If you so desire今夜は心も意のままに
tonight even my heart shall be at your mercy狂い咲き 共に散りゆく
Bloomsing out of season, together our petals scatter傾国の華
A blossom of beauty♬曼珠沙華
♬Red spider lilies「同じ未来を歩めたら」
"If only we could walk towards the same future."潜めて抱いた想像だ
A fantasy I quietly cling to望まぬ恋と嘆くのは
The grieving of a love unwanted元より望んだボクのせい
the blame lies with I, who had yearned for it from the beginning♬曼珠沙華
♬Red spider lilies欲を満たして華胥の国
A land of paradise where desire is fullfilled知らずに咲いた睡蓮花
Water lilies that bloomed, unknowing♬曼珠沙華
♬Red spider lilies今日の桃子が 苦いのは
The bitterness of peaches today涙で実った 春だから
brought by a spring nourished by tears酔狂 興じる水鏡
Upon a flight of fancy, amusement reflected on the water's surface陰陽 緘黙症 桃源郷
Yin and yang, selective mutism, Shangri-la宛ら斑模様の様 絢爛さに
As if in mottled splendor, we tangle together入り乱れる堕落 誇張 闘争
in depravity, exaggeration, conflict冷めやらない 目覚めない
Yes, there is no awakening, no cooling this heart未だ誰もが永久の夢の中へ
and all still go to the depths of an eternal dream「ボクと踊りませんか? 」
"Won't you dance with me?"悲しみに 響く波紋は
Ripples on the water that resound with sorrow黄河の水底
In the depths恋い慕う
of the Yellow River恋い慕う夢は
Dream of longing are何時ぞやの泡沫
ephemeral bubbles from a time already past「來 过来一下」 (おいで 此方へおいで)
"Now, come to me."そして心に背いて
And so, against my heart誰が為に芽吹くの?
from whom will I blossom for?薄れずに 色味帯びていく
Becoming stained with unfading colors憂いと彼岸の花
Flowers of nirvana and despair♬曼珠沙華
♬Red spider lilies欢迎来到桃源乡 (桃源郷へようこそ)
Welcome to Shangri-la―――咲けば散りゆく花のように
Like how flowers scatter once they bloom運命は
cannot be changed♬曼珠沙華
♬Red spider liliesさあ、夢を
No, that dream君の全てを
and your everythingボクに委ねて
Won't you devote it all to me堕落して?
and fall to me?何処までも落ちて
Falling towards an infinite abyss枯れゆく曼珠沙華
Red spider lilies that start to wilt「想见你」 (君に会いたい)
"I want to see you."君が望むなら
If you so desire今夜は心も意のままに
tonight even my heart shall be at your mercy隠り世へ 君を誘う
I lure you to the realm of the dead傾国の華
Flower of the country作詞作曲 まふまふ 編曲 佐々木裕
Lyrics/music: MafumafuArrangement Yutaka Sasaki絵 たま 映像 MONO-Devoid
Illustrations: TamaMovie: MONO-Devoid♬曼珠沙華
♬Red spider lilies曼珠沙華
Red spider liliesNo word list
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