Japanese newspaper
2022-03-18 12:00:00
Anonymous 08:03 20/03/2022
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label.tran_page Contact Tracing Is No Longer Required in Companies and Schools


label.tran_page Until now, when companies and schools had an employee come to work with a new strain of the Coronavirus, those who have had close proximity with the employee would have been looked up, and both the employee and those who have had close contact were to be instructed to remain at home for approximately one week.
label.tran_page However, administrative divisions have said that contact tracing will no longer be required


label.tran_page With this new policy, workers are encouraged to be careful and to not visit friends or attend dinner parties if they have contracted the virus.
label.tran_page This rule also applies to middle schools, high schools, and universities.


label.tran_page However, for both companies and schools, in the case of 5 or more people contracting the virus, contract tracing will be conducted.
label.tran_page However, if the Coronavirus is spread in a hospital or retirement center, contact tracing will be conducted in the same manner as it has been until now.