Japanese newspaper
2019-07-29 13:40:10Z
Anonymous 21:07 29/07/2019
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label.tran_page Pokemon Over 1.3 million spectators! Ichimura Ichiro, smiling, feeling of hit

俳優はいゆう市村正親いちむらまさちか(70)が27にち東京とうきょう・TOHOシネマズ日比谷ひびやおこなわれた人気にんきアニメ「ポケットモンスター」の劇場版最新作げきじょうばんさいしんさく「ミュウツーの逆襲ぎゃくしゅう EVOLUTION」のだいヒットイベントに共演きょうえん演歌歌手えんかかしゅ小林幸子こばやしさちこ(65)とタレント中川翔子なかがわしょうこ(34)と登壇とうだんしました

label.tran_page Kouko Kobayashi, an actor and singer Masamichi Ichimura (70), co-star in the blockbuster event of the movie version latest product Mewtwo's Counterattack EVOLUTION performed on the 27th in Toho Cinemas Hibiya, Tokyo. 65) and the talent, Shoko Nakagawa (34) was on the stage
label.tran_page The audience has exceeded 1.3 million since the release on the 12th, and it is a big smile with the words, The feeling of the hit has arrived!