Kouko Kobayashi, an actor and singer Masamichi Ichimura (70), co-star in the blockbuster event of the movie version latest product Mewtwo's Counterattack EVOLUTION performed on the 27th in Toho Cinemas Hibiya, Tokyo. 65) and the talent, Shoko Nakagawa (34) was on the stage
Kouko Kobayashi, an actor and singer Masamichi Ichimura (70), co-star in the blockbuster event of the movie version latest product Mewtwo's Counterattack EVOLUTION performed on the 27th in Toho Cinemas Hibiya, Tokyo. 65) and the talent, Shoko Nakagawa (34) was on the stage
The audience has exceeded 1.3 million since the release on the 12th, and it is a big smile with the words, The feeling of the hit has arrived!
The audience has exceeded 1.3 million since the release on the 12th, and it is a big smile with the words, The feeling of the hit has arrived!