怪物さながらの見た目、深海魚が砂浜に打ち上がる 米カリフォルニア州
A monster-like appearance, deep-sea fish launching on a sandy beach, California, USA
A monster-like appearance, deep-sea fish launching on a sandy beach, California, USA
A rare fish with sharp glass teeth and a football-like shape has recently been launched on the coast of California, USA.
A rare fish with sharp glass teeth and a football-like shape has recently been launched on the coast of California, USA.
This black fish was found lying on a sandy beach with its mouth wide open on the 7th.
This black fish was found lying on a sandy beach with its mouth wide open on the 7th.
The location was a marine reserve on Laguna Beach managed by Crystal Cove State Park
The location was a marine reserve on Laguna Beach managed by Crystal Cove State Park
The park posted images of fish on social media
The park posted images of fish on social media
He said that it is likely to be a type of Himantolophus called ”Pacific football fish”.
He said that it is likely to be a type of Himantolophus called ”Pacific football fish”.
According to the state park, Pacific footballfish is one of the more than 200 species of anglerfish in the world and usually lives in the dark deep waters.
According to the state park, Pacific footballfish is one of the more than 200 species of anglerfish in the world and usually lives in the dark deep waters.
Its teeth are sharp like shards of glass, and its large mouth can swallow prey of the same size as itself.
Its teeth are sharp like shards of glass, and its large mouth can swallow prey of the same size as itself.