中国、南シナ海に行政区設置 ベトナム抗議に「主権の範囲内」

China establishes administrative districts in South China Sea “Within sovereignty” in Vietnam protest

China establishes administrative districts in South China Sea “Within sovereignty” in Vietnam protest

The Chinese government announced on the 18th that it will establish administrative districts that administer the Nansha Islands and the West Sha Islands in the South China Sea

The Chinese government announced on the 18th that it will establish administrative districts that administer the Nansha Islands and the West Sha Islands in the South China Sea

In response to this, Vietnam’s foreign ministry, which competes with China for territorial sovereignty, issued a statement on its website on the 19th, saying, ”We strongly oppose sovereignty.

In response to this, Vietnam’s foreign ministry, which competes with China for territorial sovereignty, issued a statement on its website on the 19th, saying, ”We strongly oppose sovereignty.

According to a press conference on the 20th, a Chinese foreign ministry spokesman, Mr. Gyoi, justified that he was within the scope of sovereignty.

According to a press conference on the 20th, a Chinese foreign ministry spokesman, Mr. Gyoi, justified that he was within the scope of sovereignty.

In addition, he said, ”We will continue to take necessary measures to firmly defend China’s sovereignty and interests.”

In addition, he said, ”We will continue to take necessary measures to firmly defend China’s sovereignty and interests.”

As each country is busy responding to the new coronavirus, there is concern that China’s effective control will further progress.

As each country is busy responding to the new coronavirus, there is concern that China’s effective control will further progress.