座礁したクジラ130頭を救出、28頭は助からず 西オーストラリア

130 stranded whales rescued, 28 could not be saved in Western Australia

130 stranded whales rescued, 28 could not be saved in Western Australia

A large number of pilot whales washed up on the coast of western Australia, and local authorities succeeded in returning 130 to the sea on the 25th.

A large number of pilot whales washed up on the coast of western Australia, and local authorities succeeded in returning 130 to the sea on the 25th.

The pod of whales ran aground on the coast of Dunsborough, south of Perth, Western Australia.

The pod of whales ran aground on the coast of Dunsborough, south of Perth, Western Australia.

Ian Wiese, head of a marine research group involved in the rescue operation on the 25th, said, ``The whales were in close quarters.’’

Ian Wiese, head of a marine research group involved in the rescue operation on the 25th, said, ``The whales were in close quarters.’’

”We have responded to (whale strandings) before, but never on this scale.”

”We have responded to (whale strandings) before, but never on this scale.”

According to the Department of Parks and Wildlife of Western Australia (DPAW), a total of 160 whales were stranded, 130 of which were returned to the ocean, but at least 28 died.

According to the Department of Parks and Wildlife of Western Australia (DPAW), a total of 160 whales were stranded, 130 of which were returned to the ocean, but at least 28 died.

Even if a pod of whales is released back into the sea, they may become stranded again.

Even if a pod of whales is released back into the sea, they may become stranded again.

For this reason, they are continuing to monitor the area from the air, but for now they are reportedly staying offshore.

For this reason, they are continuing to monitor the area from the air, but for now they are reportedly staying offshore.

”I was just blown away by how hundreds of whales all washed up together.

”I was just blown away by how hundreds of whales all washed up together.

It was a huge mess,” Biese recalled.

It was a huge mess,” Biese recalled.

“But in the end it was good.

“But in the end it was good.

When something like this happens, often only a few can help.”

When something like this happens, often only a few can help.”
座礁したクジラ130頭を救出、28頭は助からず 西オーストラリア

130 stranded whales rescued, 28 could not be saved in Western Australia

130 stranded whales rescued, 28 could not be saved in Western Australia

A large number of pilot whales washed up on the coast of western Australia, and local authorities succeeded in returning 130 to the sea on the 25th.

A large number of pilot whales washed up on the coast of western Australia, and local authorities succeeded in returning 130 to the sea on the 25th.

The pod of whales ran aground on the coast of Dunsborough, south of Perth, Western Australia.

The pod of whales ran aground on the coast of Dunsborough, south of Perth, Western Australia.

Ian Wiese, head of a marine research group involved in the rescue operation on the 25th, said, ``The whales were in close quarters.’’

Ian Wiese, head of a marine research group involved in the rescue operation on the 25th, said, ``The whales were in close quarters.’’

”We have responded to (whale strandings) before, but never on this scale.”

”We have responded to (whale strandings) before, but never on this scale.”

According to the Department of Parks and Wildlife of Western Australia (DPAW), a total of 160 whales were stranded, 130 of which were returned to the ocean, but at least 28 died.

According to the Department of Parks and Wildlife of Western Australia (DPAW), a total of 160 whales were stranded, 130 of which were returned to the ocean, but at least 28 died.

Even if a pod of whales is released back into the sea, they may become stranded again.

Even if a pod of whales is released back into the sea, they may become stranded again.

For this reason, they are continuing to monitor the area from the air, but for now they are reportedly staying offshore.

For this reason, they are continuing to monitor the area from the air, but for now they are reportedly staying offshore.

”I was just blown away by how hundreds of whales all washed up together.

”I was just blown away by how hundreds of whales all washed up together.

It was a huge mess,” Wiese recalled.

It was a huge mess,” Wiese recalled.

“But in the end it was good.

“But in the end it was good.

When something like this happens, often only a few can help.”

When something like this happens, often only a few can help.”
座礁したクジラ130頭を救出、28頭は助からず 西オーストラリア

130 stranded whales rescued, 28 could not be saved in Western Australia

130 stranded whales rescued, 28 could not be saved in Western Australia

A large number of pilot whales washed up on the coast of western Australia, and local authorities succeeded in returning 130 to the sea on the 25th.

A large number of pilot whales washed up on the coast of western Australia, and local authorities succeeded in returning 130 to the sea on the 25th.

The pod of whales ran aground on the coast of Dunsborough, south of Perth, Western Australia.

The pod of whales ran aground on the coast of Dunsborough, south of Perth, Western Australia.

Ian Wiese, head of a marine research organization involved in the rescue operation on the 25th, said, ``The whales were in close quarters.’’

Ian Wiese, head of a marine research organization involved in the rescue operation on the 25th, said, ``The whales were in close quarters.’’

”We have responded to (whale strandings) before, but never on this scale.”

”We have responded to (whale strandings) before, but never on this scale.”

According to the Department of Parks and Wildlife of Western Australia (DPAW), a total of 160 whales were stranded, 130 of which were returned to the ocean, but at least 28 died.

According to the Department of Parks and Wildlife of Western Australia (DPAW), a total of 160 whales were stranded, 130 of which were returned to the ocean, but at least 28 died.

Even if a pod of whales is released back into the sea, they may become stranded again.

Even if a pod of whales is released back into the sea, they may become stranded again.

For this reason, they are continuing to monitor the area from the air, but for now they are reportedly staying offshore.

For this reason, they are continuing to monitor the area from the air, but for now they are reportedly staying offshore.

”I was just blown away by how hundreds of whales all washed up together.

”I was just blown away by how hundreds of whales all washed up together.

It was a huge mess,” Wiese recalled.

It was a huge mess,” Wiese recalled.

“But in the end it was good.

“But in the end it was good.

When something like this happens, often only a few can help.”

When something like this happens, often only a few can help.”
座礁したクジラ130頭を救出、28頭は助からず 西オーストラリア

130 stranded whales rescued, 28 could not be saved in Western Australia

130 stranded whales rescued, 28 could not be saved in Western Australia

A large number of pilot whales washed up on the coast of western Australia, and local authorities succeeded in returning 130 to the sea on the 25th.

A large number of pilot whales washed up on the coast of western Australia, and local authorities succeeded in returning 130 to the sea on the 25th.

The pod of whales ran aground on the coast of Dunsborough, south of Perth, Western Australia.

The pod of whales ran aground on the coast of Dunsborough, south of Perth, Western Australia.

Ian Wiese, head of a marine research organization involved in the rescue operation on the 25th, said, ``The whales were in close quarters.’’

Ian Wiese, head of a marine research organization involved in the rescue operation on the 25th, said, ``The whales were in close quarters.’’

”We have responded to (whale strandings) before, but never on this scale.”

”We have responded to (whale strandings) before, but never on this scale.”

According to the Department of Parks and Wildlife of Western Australia (DPAW), a total of 160 whales were stranded, 130 of which were returned to the ocean, but at least 28 died.

According to the Department of Parks and Wildlife of Western Australia (DPAW), a total of 160 whales were stranded, 130 of which were returned to the ocean, but at least 28 died.

Even if a pod of whales is released back into the ocean, they may become stranded again.

Even if a pod of whales is released back into the ocean, they may become stranded again.

For this reason, they are continuing to monitor the area from the air, but for now they are reportedly staying offshore.

For this reason, they are continuing to monitor the area from the air, but for now they are reportedly staying offshore.

”I was just blown away by how hundreds of whales all washed up together.

”I was just blown away by how hundreds of whales all washed up together.

It was a huge mess,” Biese recalled.

It was a huge mess,” Biese recalled.

“But in the end it was good.

“But in the end it was good.

When something like this happens, often only a few can help.”

When something like this happens, often only a few can help.”
座礁したクジラ130頭を救出、28頭は助からず 西オーストラリア

130 stranded whales rescued, 28 could not be saved in Western Australia

130 stranded whales rescued, 28 could not be saved in Western Australia

A large number of pilot whales washed up on the coast of western Australia, and local authorities succeeded in returning 130 to the sea on the 25th.

A large number of pilot whales washed up on the coast of western Australia, and local authorities succeeded in returning 130 to the sea on the 25th.

The pod of whales ran aground on the coast of Dunsborough, south of Perth, Western Australia.

The pod of whales ran aground on the coast of Dunsborough, south of Perth, Western Australia.

Ian Wiese, head of a marine research organization involved in the rescue operation on the 25th, said, ``The whales were in close quarters.’’

Ian Wiese, head of a marine research organization involved in the rescue operation on the 25th, said, ``The whales were in close quarters.’’

”We have responded to (whale strandings) before, but never on this scale.”

”We have responded to (whale strandings) before, but never on this scale.”

According to the Department of Parks and Wildlife of Western Australia (DPAW), a total of 160 whales were stranded, 130 of which were returned to the ocean, but at least 28 died.

According to the Department of Parks and Wildlife of Western Australia (DPAW), a total of 160 whales were stranded, 130 of which were returned to the ocean, but at least 28 died.

Even if a pod of whales is released back into the sea, they may become stranded again.

Even if a pod of whales is released back into the sea, they may become stranded again.

For this reason, they are continuing to monitor the area from the air, but for now they are reportedly staying offshore.

For this reason, they are continuing to monitor the area from the air, but for now they are reportedly staying offshore.

”I was just blown away by how hundreds of whales all washed up together.

”I was just blown away by how hundreds of whales all washed up together.

It was a huge mess,” Wiese recalled.

It was a huge mess,” Wiese recalled.

“But in the end it was good.

“But in the end it was good.

When something like this happens, often only a few can help.”

When something like this happens, often only a few can help.”