SNSで怪しい求人の勧誘 大学生の6人に1人「ある」
1 in 6 university students say they are soliciting suspicious job offers on SNS
1 in 6 university students say they are soliciting suspicious job offers on SNS
A survey by a major employment information service found that 1 in 6 university students said they had received a suspicious job offer on SNS.
A survey by a major employment information service found that 1 in 6 university students said they had received a suspicious job offer on SNS.
Mynavi conducted a survey of approximately 1,300 university students nationwide regarding part-time jobs, and found that 26.5% had applied for a job via SNS.
Mynavi conducted a survey of approximately 1,300 university students nationwide regarding part-time jobs, and found that 26.5% had applied for a job via SNS.
It is said that searching for part-time jobs using SNS is becoming more widespread.
It is said that searching for part-time jobs using SNS is becoming more widespread.
On the other hand, 16.6% of people answered that they had received a suspicious job offer on SNS, or 1 in 6 people.
On the other hand, 16.6% of people answered that they had received a suspicious job offer on SNS, or 1 in 6 people.
The so-called ”dark part-time jobs” that recruit perpetrators of crimes with promises of high rewards are often posted on social networking sites and Internet bulletin boards, and the National Police Agency and other organizations are urging people to avoid them.
The so-called ”dark part-time jobs” that recruit perpetrators of crimes with promises of high rewards are often posted on social networking sites and Internet bulletin boards, and the National Police Agency and other organizations are urging people to avoid them.
SNSで怪しい求人の勧誘 大学生の6人に1人「ある」
1 in 6 university students say they are soliciting suspicious job offers on SNS
1 in 6 university students say they are soliciting suspicious job offers on SNS
A survey by a major employment information service found that 1 in 6 university students said they had received a suspicious job offer on SNS.
A survey by a major employment information service found that 1 in 6 university students said they had received a suspicious job offer on SNS.
Mynavi conducted a survey of approximately 1,300 university students nationwide regarding part-time jobs, and found that 26.5% had applied for a job via SNS.
Mynavi conducted a survey of approximately 1,300 university students nationwide regarding part-time jobs, and found that 26.5% had applied for a job via SNS.
It is said that searching for part-time jobs using SNS is becoming more widespread.
It is said that searching for part-time jobs using SNS is becoming more widespread.
On the other hand, 16.6% of people answered that they had received a suspicious job offer on SNS, or 1 in 6 people.
On the other hand, 16.6% of people answered that they had received a suspicious job offer on SNS, or 1 in 6 people.
The so-called ”dark part-time jobs” that recruit perpetrators of crimes with promises of high rewards are often posted on social networking sites and Internet bulletin boards, and the National Police Agency and other organizations are urging people to avoid them.
The so-called ”dark part-time jobs” that recruit perpetrators of crimes with promises of high rewards are often posted on social networking sites and Internet bulletin boards, and the National Police Agency and other organizations are urging people to avoid them.
SNSで怪しい求人の勧誘 大学生の6人に1人「ある」
1 in 6 university students say they are soliciting suspicious job offers on SNS
1 in 6 university students say they are soliciting suspicious job offers on SNS
A survey by a major employment information service found that 1 in 6 university students said they had received a suspicious job offer on SNS.
A survey by a major employment information service found that 1 in 6 university students said they had received a suspicious job offer on SNS.
Mynavi conducted a survey of approximately 1,300 university students nationwide regarding part-time jobs, and found that 26.5% had applied for a job via SNS.
Mynavi conducted a survey of approximately 1,300 university students nationwide regarding part-time jobs, and found that 26.5% had applied for a job via SNS.
It is said that searching for part-time jobs using SNS is becoming more widespread.
It is said that searching for part-time jobs using SNS is becoming more widespread.
On the other hand, 16.6% of people answered that they had received a suspicious job offer on SNS, or 1 in 6 people.
On the other hand, 16.6% of people answered that they had received a suspicious job offer on SNS, or 1 in 6 people.
The so-called ”dark part-time jobs” that recruit perpetrators of crimes with promises of high rewards are often posted on SNS and Internet bulletin boards, and the National Police Agency and other organizations are urging people to avoid them.
The so-called ”dark part-time jobs” that recruit perpetrators of crimes with promises of high rewards are often posted on SNS and Internet bulletin boards, and the National Police Agency and other organizations are urging people to avoid them.