Japanese newspaper
民間初みんかんはつ快挙かいきょへ 米企業べいきぎょう無人むじん月着陸船つきちゃくりくせん
2024-02-17 07:10:04
Anonymous 09:02 17/02/2024
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民間初みんかんはつ快挙かいきょへ 米企業べいきぎょう無人むじん月着陸船つきちゃくりくせん
label.tran_page U.S. companies launched an unmanned lunar landing boat for the first achievement in the private sector


label.tran_page An American space company launched an unmanned lunar landing boat from a launching facility in Florida
label.tran_page If the landing on the moon succeeds, it will be the first private in the private sector.

label.tran_page The American private company Intuity Machine launched an unmanned lunar landing ship Odysseus from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

label.tran_page The landing boat is going to be a crater near the month of the moon, and will land on the 22nd of this month.

label.tran_page If landing is successful, it will be the first private company in the world

label.tran_page It is expected that many ice can be mined near the moon`s Antarctica, and interest is gathering.

label.tran_page As the intense strips continue around the world to expand the commercial use of the universe, the trends are attracting much attention.