Japanese newspaper
べいアップル、新型しんがたiPadを5月発売がつはつばい 海外生産増強かいがいせいさんぞうきょう報道ほうどう
2024-03-30 07:10:04
Anonymous 02:04 01/04/2024
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べいアップル、新型しんがたiPadを5月発売がつはつばい 海外生産増強かいがいせいさんぞうきょう報道ほうどう
label.tran_page Apple to release new iPad in May, increasing overseas production = report


label.tran_page Bloomberg News reported on the 28th that Apple’s overseas suppliers are ramping up production of new iPad tablet devices, with release scheduled for early May.


label.tran_page Initially, it was scheduled to be released by late March or early April, but software development for the new product is still continuing.

新型しんがたの「iPad Pro」にはアップルの最新さいしんチップ「M3」が搭載とうさいされます

label.tran_page The new ”iPad Pro” will be equipped with Apple’s latest chip ”M3”
「iPad Air」はあたらしいプロセッサーを搭載とうさいし、12.9インチの画面がめんサイズなるということです
label.tran_page The iPad Air will be equipped with a new processor and will have a 12.9-inch screen size.