ツイッターの禁止アカウント、大部分を復活へ マスク氏表明

Mask to revive most of Twitter’s banned accounts

Mask to revive most of Twitter’s banned accounts

US Twitter CEO Elon Musk announced on the 24th that most of the previously frozen accounts will be reinstated from next week.

US Twitter CEO Elon Musk announced on the 24th that most of the previously frozen accounts will be reinstated from next week.

Until now, the accounts of users who repeatedly violated the rules were permanently frozen, but this will be a measure to reverse that policy.

Until now, the accounts of users who repeatedly violated the rules were permanently frozen, but this will be a measure to reverse that policy.

Mr. Musk said on the 24th, ”The amnesty will start next week.

Mr. Musk said on the 24th, ”The amnesty will start next week.
Vox Populi,Vox Dei(ラテン語で<民の声は神の声>の意味)」とツイートしました

Vox Populi, Vox Dei (meaning
in Latin),” he tweeted.

Vox Populi, Vox Dei (meaning
in Latin),” he tweeted.

The day before, he had asked his followers to give a general pardon to the suspended accounts, provided they were not breaking the law or engaging in malicious posts

The day before, he had asked his followers to give a general pardon to the suspended accounts, provided they were not breaking the law or engaging in malicious posts

72.4% of the votes were in favor of the proposal, greatly exceeding the 27.6% who opposed it.

72.4% of the votes were in favor of the proposal, greatly exceeding the 27.6% who opposed it.

Over 3 million votes

Over 3 million votes