Japanese newspaper
G20財務ざいむしょう中央ちゅうおう銀行ぎんこう総裁そうさい会議かいぎきょう開幕かいまく 金融きんゆう引き締ひきしなど議論ぎろん
7/17/2023 4:27:50 AM +09:00
SID 04:07 17/07/2023
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G20財務ざいむしょう中央ちゅうおう銀行ぎんこう総裁そうさい会議かいぎきょう開幕かいまく 金融きんゆう引き締ひきしなど議論ぎろん
label.tran_page The theme of the conference will be the rise in global prices due to the prolonged Russian invasion of Ukraine, and the impact on the global economy of monetary tightening promoted by central banks around the world.
label.tran_page G20 = The Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting of 20 major countries will be held in India for two days from the 17th of Japan time