Japanese newspaper
京都きょうと 保津ほつがわくだ 4か月かげつぶりに運航うんこう再開さいかい 転覆てんぷく事故じこ対策たいさく見直みなお
7/17/2023 12:14:12 PM +09:00
2018pcmail 09:07 17/07/2023
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京都きょうと 保津ほつがわくだ 4か月かげつぶりに運航うんこう再開さいかい 転覆てんぷく事故じこ対策たいさく見直みなお
label.tran_page Kyoto Hozu River rafting resumed operation after 4 months Review of countermeasures against capsizing accident
label.tran_page Kyoto’s ”Hozu River Boat Ride”, which had been suspended due to a capsizing accident in March this year, resumed operation on the 17th for the first time in about four months.