Japanese newspaper
2023-09-29 07:10:02
Ashlyn 08:09 29/09/2023
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label.tran_page Taylor Swift’s ’tour film’ to be released in 100 countries around the world


label.tran_page Good news for Taylor Swift fans around the world
スウィフトは9がつ26にちのX(きゅうツイッター)の投稿とうこうで、自身じしんのツアーの模様もようおさめたドキュメンタリー映画えいが『テイラー・スウィフト:The Eras Tour』を全世界ぜんせかい公開こうかいすることをあきらかにした
label.tran_page Swift announced in a post on X (formerly Twitter) on September 26th that a documentary film about her tour, ``Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour,’’ will be released worldwide.


label.tran_page The film was originally scheduled to be released only in North American theaters, but now it’s going international.

『テイラー・スウィフト:The Eras Tour』は世界せかい100こく上映じょうえいされる予定よてい

label.tran_page ’Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour’ will be shown in 100 countries around the world
label.tran_page The film will be available to fans in nearly every country on October 13, its original release date in North America, including Europe, Australia, Thailand, the Philippines, Japan, Brazil, India, and more. , will be released on November 3rd in some countries such as South Korea and Taiwan.


label.tran_page Tickets outside of North America are already on sale in some countries, and sales through a dedicated website are expected to begin soon.


label.tran_page Swift also announced the news in an Instagram post, writing, ”We’re not just hosting live shows around the world.
The Eras Tourのコンサートフィルム10がつ13にち全世界ぜんせかい公開こうかいされることを、みなさんにおつたえできることにとても興奮こうふんしています」とべている
label.tran_page We are very excited to share with you that the Eras Tour concert film will be released worldwide on October 13th.”

この映画えいが配給はいきゅうは、北米ほくべい同様どうようにAMC シアターズとVariance Releasingが担当たんとうするとされている

label.tran_page The film will be distributed by AMC Theaters and Variance Releasing in North America.


label.tran_page Now that it has been released worldwide, it is certain that this film will achieve record-breaking box office revenue.
今年ことし3がつにアリゾナでスタートしたスウィフトのThe Eras Tourは、観客動員数かんきゃくどういんすう収益しゅうえきにおいて、すでに世界記録せかいきろくやぶっている
label.tran_page Swift’s The Eras Tour, which kicked off in Arizona in March, has already broken world records for attendance and revenue.
label.tran_page This tour is on track to become the first tour in music industry history to surpass $1 billion in ticket sales.