ハイチ避難民ら追い返し 米国境警備隊が馬で威嚇
Haiti refugees repelled by US border guards threatening with horses
Haiti refugees repelled by US border guards threatening with horses
More than 10,000 people evacuated from Haiti etc. gathered in Texas, USA, and the border guard on horseback is in an unusual situation to return to the Mexican side.
More than 10,000 people evacuated from Haiti etc. gathered in Texas, USA, and the border guard on horseback is in an unusual situation to return to the Mexican side.
A border guard on a horse swings a whip and threatens a man who is about to cross the river and enter Texas, USA
A border guard on a horse swings a whip and threatens a man who is about to cross the river and enter Texas, USA
Many of the people trying to cross the river are refugees from Haiti who were staying in temporary camps on the American side and are trying to procure food back in Mexico.
Many of the people trying to cross the river are refugees from Haiti who were staying in temporary camps on the American side and are trying to procure food back in Mexico.
At one point, more than 12,000 people were gathering for the United States from Haiti, where political instability continued, such as the assassination of the president in July.
At one point, more than 12,000 people were gathering for the United States from Haiti, where political instability continued, such as the assassination of the president in July.
Governor Abbott of Texas has taken a hard-line measure to move the gathered refugees to the Mexican side, causing confusion.
Governor Abbott of Texas has taken a hard-line measure to move the gathered refugees to the Mexican side, causing confusion.