Japanese newspaper
交通こうつう機関きかん Uターンラッシュの混雑こんざつられず しず年始ねんし
1/3/2021 12:25:56 PM +09:00
Anonymous 06:01 03/01/2021
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交通こうつう機関きかん Uターンラッシュの混雑こんざつられず しず年始ねんし
label.tran_page Traffic: No U-turn rush, quiet new year.
label.tran_page Train stations and airports around the country, which are usually crowded with the U-turn rush of people who spent the year-end and New Year holidays in their hometowns or holiday destinations, are not conspicuously crowded due to the new coronavirus, and the number of users has decreased significantly.