Japanese newspaper
成人せいじんしき 出席しゅっせきしゃ全員ぜんいんにPCR検査けんさって開催かいさい 鳥取とっとり 若桜わかさまち
1/3/2021 11:49:59 AM +09:00
Anonymous 06:01 03/01/2021
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成人せいじんしき 出席しゅっせきしゃ全員ぜんいんにPCR検査けんさって開催かいさい 鳥取とっとり 若桜わかさまち
label.tran_page A PCR test was conducted on all attendees at the coming-of-age ceremony in Wakazakura-cho, Tottori.
label.tran_page While a number of coming-of-age ceremonies have been postponed or cancelled due to the spread of the new coronavirus, the town of Wakazakura in Tottori Prefecture held a ceremony after conducting PCR tests on all attendees at its expense.