野生のヒョウ 街中を練り歩く “スマホ構え”追いかける住民 中国・四川省
A wild leopard parades through the city, with residents chasing after it with their smartphones ready in Sichuan Province, China
A wild leopard parades through the city, with residents chasing after it with their smartphones ready in Sichuan Province, China
Sichuan province in southwestern China
Sichuan province in southwestern China
A wild leopard has appeared in the city
A wild leopard has appeared in the city
An event that is a first in this town
An event that is a first in this town
Where the leopard heads, residents with smartphones follow it.
Where the leopard heads, residents with smartphones follow it.
Despite all this, the leopard seemed relaxed throughout, taking a nap on the roadside.
Despite all this, the leopard seemed relaxed throughout, taking a nap on the roadside.
After this, the authorities put him to sleep with a tranquilizer gun and returned him to the mountain.
After this, the authorities put him to sleep with a tranquilizer gun and returned him to the mountain.