ロンドンで福島県産のモモ販売 高級百貨店、3個が1万5千円
In London, Fukushima Prefecture's peach sales at a high-end department store, 3 pieces for 15,000 yen
In London, Fukushima Prefecture's peach sales at a high-end department store, 3 pieces for 15,000 yen
On the 7th, at the luxury department store in London, Harods, the sale of Fukushima prefecture peach Sakura White Peach began, and the tasting corner was crowded with customers.
On the 7th, at the luxury department store in London, Harods, the sale of Fukushima prefecture peach Sakura White Peach began, and the tasting corner was crowded with customers.
Until the beginning of October, one set is sold for 80 pounds (about 15,000 yen), and if it is not enough, it will be purchased additionally.
Until the beginning of October, one set is sold for 80 pounds (about 15,000 yen), and if it is not enough, it will be purchased additionally.
Part of the overseas PR of the prefecture that TEPCO is working to eliminate reputational damage caused by the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident
Part of the overseas PR of the prefecture that TEPCO is working to eliminate reputational damage caused by the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident
When sold at the Japan Festival held in London last October, it was sold out and a sales plan was raised in Harrods.
When sold at the Japan Festival held in London last October, it was sold out and a sales plan was raised in Harrods.
TEPCO negotiated with importers with the cooperation of the Fukushima Prefectural Association in the UK and the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO).
TEPCO negotiated with importers with the cooperation of the Fukushima Prefectural Association in the UK and the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO).