Japanese newspaper
チェコの首都しゅとプラハの大学だいがく銃撃事件じゅうげきじけん これまでに10にん死亡しぼう 20以上にんいじょう重軽傷じゅうけいしょう
2023-12-23 16:00:13
karboxylka 12:12 24/12/2023
2 0
Anonymous 12:12 24/12/2023
1 0
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チェコの首都しゅとプラハの大学だいがく銃撃事件じゅうげきじけん これまでに10にん死亡しぼう 20以上にんいじょう重軽傷じゅうけいしょう
label.tran_page 10 people died and more than 20 sustained injuries in a shooting incident in Prague, the capital of Czechia


label.tran_page There was a shooting incident in a university in Prague, the capital of Czechia in which 10 people died and more 20 were injured.
label.tran_page The male suspect has been confirmed dead.

label.tran_page On the 21st, in the Charles University, situated in the centre of Prague, a man conducted shooting. 10 people died and more than 20 were injured.

label.tran_page According to the Czech media, the suspect was a 24 years old student of the university. After being chased by the police, he jumped off the building and died.