スペイン・マドリード 7千人のサンタが全力疾走 恒例のチャリティーイベント

Madrid, Spain: 7,000 Santas sprint at annual charity event

Madrid, Spain: 7,000 Santas sprint at annual charity event

The annual ”Santa Run” was held in Madrid, Spain, and 7,000 Santa Clauses participated in the race.

The annual ”Santa Run” was held in Madrid, Spain, and 7,000 Santa Clauses participated in the race.

On Christmas Eve, Madrid was filled with adults and children wearing Santa costumes.

On Christmas Eve, Madrid was filled with adults and children wearing Santa costumes.

The annual charity event ”Santa Run” was held in Spain, and according to local media, approximately 7,000 people gathered.

The annual charity event ”Santa Run” was held in Spain, and according to local media, approximately 7,000 people gathered.

The race is 4.5km long and the participation fee is 14.6 euros, or about 2300 yen in Japanese yen, and all participants will be given a Santa costume.

The race is 4.5km long and the participation fee is 14.6 euros, or about 2300 yen in Japanese yen, and all participants will be given a Santa costume.

This race was held for the 12th time this year as a charity event to raise money for the Red Cross.

This race was held for the 12th time this year as a charity event to raise money for the Red Cross.

The first place Santa ran 4.5 km in 12 minutes 56 seconds.

The first place Santa ran 4.5 km in 12 minutes 56 seconds.