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Afghanistan, where humanitarian assistance is stagnant, further impact due to drought

Afghanistan, where humanitarian assistance is stagnant, further impact due to drought

In Afghanistan, where the Islamist power ”Taliban” came to power, humanitarian assistance has been delayed and the drought, which is thought to be due to climate change, is becoming more serious, which is further damaging the lives of the people.

In Afghanistan, where the Islamist power ”Taliban” came to power, humanitarian assistance has been delayed and the drought, which is thought to be due to climate change, is becoming more serious, which is further damaging the lives of the people.

According to the Associated Press, the most serious drought in decades has occurred in Afghanistan for the second consecutive year, which is a major cause of food shortages.

According to the Associated Press, the most serious drought in decades has occurred in Afghanistan for the second consecutive year, which is a major cause of food shortages.

In recent years, the frequency of droughts has doubled compared to the 20 years from 1980 to 2000, and meteorological experts warn that it will become even more serious in the future.

In recent years, the frequency of droughts has doubled compared to the 20 years from 1980 to 2000, and meteorological experts warn that it will become even more serious in the future.

In Afghanistan, humanitarian assistance has been stagnant due to political instability since the Taliban took control in August.

In Afghanistan, humanitarian assistance has been stagnant due to political instability since the Taliban took control in August.

In November, UN agencies reported that ”more than 18 million people are not getting enough food,” and by the end of 2021, that number is expected to reach nearly 23 million, or 60% of Afghanistan’s population. Is

In November, UN agencies reported that ”more than 18 million people are not getting enough food,” and by the end of 2021, that number is expected to reach nearly 23 million, or 60% of Afghanistan’s population. Is