Japanese newspaper
トンガだい規模きぼ噴火ふんか 世界せかい各地かくち気圧きあつ変化へんかてい周波しゅうはおん観測かんそく
1/16/2022 8:20:34 PM +09:00
Anonymous 14:01 16/01/2022
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トンガだい規模きぼ噴火ふんか 世界せかい各地かくち気圧きあつ変化へんかてい周波しゅうはおん観測かんそく
label.tran_page Large-scale eruption of Tonga Observing atmospheric pressure changes and low-frequency sounds around the world
label.tran_page After a large-scale eruption at a submarine volcano near Tonga, there have been reports of changes in atmospheric pressure and low-frequency sounds all over the world.