Japanese newspaper
ドイツとベルギーで洪水こうずい 70人死亡にんしぼう 数十人安否不明すうじゅうにんあんぴふめい
2021-07-18 07:10:02Z
アラン 05:07 18/07/2021
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ドイツとベルギーで洪水こうずい 70人死亡にんしぼう 数十人安否不明すうじゅうにんあんぴふめい
label.tran_page 70 Dead to Severe Flood in Netherlands and Belgium, Dozens Other Went Missing


label.tran_page At least 70 people lost their lives to the massive flood caused by the record-level intense downpour that struck the Netherlands and Belgium.
label.tran_page Other than that, dozens of people have gone missing and could not be contacted until now.

label.tran_page BBC and several others have confirmed that at least 59 died to the severe flooding on 14 July which swept away houses in the Western Netherlands.

label.tran_page The police force and army have been conducting their non-stop efforts to rescue survivors who climbed onto their roofs to escape the flood.

label.tran_page A live broadcast on the current flood reported that this is the most disastrous natural disaster since the World War 2.

label.tran_page Local government also emphasized the need for immediate measures against the impact of global warming.

label.tran_page Floods also occurred in the eastern part of Belgium, a neighboring country of Germany, killing at least 11 people.