It has been announced that Studio Ghibli, the animation production company that created globally loved films such as ``My Neighbor Totoro’’ and ``Spirited Away,’’ will become a subsidiary of Nippon Television.
It has been announced that Studio Ghibli, the animation production company that created globally loved films such as ``My Neighbor Totoro’’ and ``Spirited Away,’’ will become a subsidiary of Nippon Television.
Studio Ghibli could not find a successor for co-founder director Hayao Miyazaki
Studio Ghibli could not find a successor for co-founder director Hayao Miyazaki
According to a joint statement, the directors of both companies met on the 21st and approved a resolution for Nippon Television to acquire shares in Studio Ghibli and make it a subsidiary.
According to a joint statement, the directors of both companies met on the 21st and approved a resolution for Nippon Television to acquire shares in Studio Ghibli and make it a subsidiary.
The statement said, ``Director Hayao Miyazaki is now 82 years old, and producer Toshio Suzuki is also 75 years old, so we have been worrying about the issue of a successor for a long time.’’
The statement said, ``Director Hayao Miyazaki is now 82 years old, and producer Toshio Suzuki is also 75 years old, so we have been worrying about the issue of a successor for a long time.’’