Hey guys it's Risa. Today I am going to teach you 5 Phrases that Make You Sound like a Pro.
Learn 5 Japanese phrases to make you sound like a pro!
1000 viewHey guys it's Risa. Today I am going to teach you 5 Phrases that Make You Sound like a Pro.
確かに. true, indeed
確かに 確かに 確かに. true, indeed.
適当に. halfheartedly, without much care.
とりあえず. In the meantime, for now
とりあえず、行こうか。とりあえずmeans like anyway.
そういえば speaking of which. Now that you mentioned it.
そういえば. When you remember something, そういやあ ああ、そういえば。
了解です. roger 了解です. roger.
Now is your Japanese like a pro, yeay!
じゃあ、また。日本語の勉強、頑張ってね。 Bye!
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