むしろ => rather; instead N2
じゃないが => It's not that... but... N4
How to say the beginning
~むきがある(~向きがある)     => There is a tendency N1
より(も)むしろ => rather; instead; better ~ N3
ゃしない => Don't/Doesn't A (at all) N1
Will, Decision, Doing
…にはむりがある => difficult to do; is unreasonable / unrealistic / impossible N3
むき => facing towards N3
しかしながら => however, nevertheless N2
Things do not match the prediction
ぐらいならむしろ => If...then it would be better... N2
Cause, reason
...はむりだ... => impossible N4
込む => to be crowded N3
なくて済む/ないで済む => get by without doing ~ N2