ふりをする => to pretend; to act as if ~ N3
ふりをする => To pretend to (be) A N3
Adjectival, Description
間 => while; during; between ~ N4
直ちに => at once; immediately; directly; in person; automatically ~ N2
瞬間 => At the very moment N3
Short period of time
間に => while; during~ something happened N4
[時「とき」] => At the time A N5
むりをする => to work too hard, to try too hard, to strain oneself N3
~をかわきりに(~を皮切りに)      => One after another; starting with ~ N1
...を...にする => to make something ~ N4
Purpose, target
と同時に => at the same time as; while; simultaneously ~ N2
[間「あいだ」]/[間「あいだ」]に => During A, During A (before A is finished/over) N2
Time, Situation