を契機に => as a good opportunity/chance to N2
を[機「き」]に => Use A as an opportunity N1
Time, Situation
のが~です => to be N4
さすがの...も => even ~also N2
The highest (comparative) level
... のが...です => Highlight interests and skills N4
Abilities, interests
を[契機「けいき」] => As a good opportunity A, (do) B N2
Information, Report
をきっかけに/を契機に => with… as a start; as a result of; taking advantage of N2
のを知っていますか => Do you know...? N4
じつをいうと => Frankly speaking N2
Story topic
~のを => Nominalize verbs N5
いつかの ... => Previously N4
~の) ならべつだが => if it were ~, it would be different, but... N1
Related, corresponding