てさしあげる => Do for N4
Give and take advice
ようになる/なくなる => Become… N3
Time, Situation
くする/にする => To make, to change into N5
Change, cause and effect
ではあるまいし => It's not like A, it isn't as if A N1
Reason, Result, Response
さしあげる => Give B to A (A is a third party, not yourself) N4
Give and take advice
に[反「はん」]して/に[反「はん」]し/に[反「はん」]する/に[反「はん」]した => In contrast to A N2
やる => Give B to A N4
Give and take advice
てやる => Do for someone N4
Give and take advice
てみる => Try to A N4
Secondary Verb
なる => To become A(N) N5
Change, cause and effect
~ている。 => Doing something temporarily. N5
Secondary Verbs
にたる,にたりる => Enough to/for A, Sufficient for A, Worthy of A N1