...かえる (換える) => to change; to alter; to transform; to convert; to turn N3
Result status
~にたえる (耐える)    => bear doing ~ N1
~をかわきりに(~を皮切りに)      => One after another; starting with ~ N1
...を...にする => to make something ~ N4
Purpose, target
ふりをする => to pretend; to act as if ~ N3
ふりをする => To pretend to (be) A N3
Adjectival, Description
をかわきりに => Starting with A N1
を限りに/限りで => starting from; the last time (ending a continued action) N1
を頼りに => to rely on / with the aid of something N2
にかえる => Return to do something N4
Secondary Verb
てもらえるとありがたい => grateful, thankful if... N4
...かに見える => to look; to seem; to appear N2
For example, simile