に[先立「さきだ」]って/に[先立「さきだ」]ち/に[先立「さきだ」]つ => Before A occurs/takes place N2
Time, Situation
と([思「おも」]う、[言「い」]う、[考「かんが」]える) => That A N4
つつ/つつも => While A, B. Although A (is beng done), B N2
Information, Report
とはくらべ[物「もの」]にならない => It's no match for A N1
Comparison/ Exchange
ないものでもない/ないでもない => A is not completely impossible N1
ついでに => Since A happened/is going to happen, B N2
Information, Report
ついでに => Since A happened/is going to happen, B N3
Information, Report
でも[差「さ」]し[支「つか」]えない => It's OK if A, it doesn't matter if A N1
と[言「い」]っても => Although A is the case, B (as well) N3
List, Examples
と[言「い」]っても => Although A is the case, B (as well) N2
Lists, Examples
と[言「い」]うのは => Means, is N3
Information, Report
つもりだ => Plan to, be going to N4
Sentence Endings