させてくれる => Let me... N4
... とされている => to be considered as (A) N1
Consider it
もくされている => to be considered as (A) N3
とされる => It is said/believed/thought that A N1
Information, Report
によると / によれば => according to ~ N3
Base, base
によれば/によると => according to ~ N3
を[余儀「よぎ」]なくされる => Must do A N1
Will, Decision, Doing
に~られる => Being (troubled/disturbed/annoyed/bothered) N3
に慣れる => to be used to something N3
~になれる      => to be used to, become N3
さえ/にさえ/でさえ => Even N3
Not only, Not even
なさる => to do (honorific) N4