とあれば => If A N1
Conditional, While
と[言「い」]わせれば => On the view of N1
Based/focused/depending on
てばかりはいられない => Cannot always A N2
Needs, Requirements
ばそれまでだ => If A happens, it's over (nothing will be of use) N1
Conditional, While
ともなると,ともなれば => When (the time/situation) A N1
Time, Situation
なければならない => Must do A; have to A N4
Can, Should, Must
ずにはいられない/ないではいられない => Can't help but A; A is unavoidable N2
Will, Decision, “Doing”
でござる/でございます => By, with… N4
それでも => Even though A, B N2
その[結果「けっか」] => Because of A (in the past), B N3
Reason, Result, Response
であれ,であろうと => Even A, Both A and B N1
(Not)only , (Not) even
てくれる => Do for someone. N4
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