Detail word “どん”
icon TodaiiJapanese
☆ noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
◆ Don (Spanish honorific)
icon TodaiiJapanese
I would like to nominate Don Jones as chairman.
icon TodaiiJapanese
I broke the marriage vows that I had sworn to Don Jose, my husband.
◆ dong (Vietnamese currency)
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icon TodaiiJapanese
☆ adverb taking the 'to' particle
☆ kind. adv
◆ bang; bam; boom; thud; thump; crash
☆ noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
◆ noontime signal gun (carried out early Meiji to Taishō); noon gun; noonday gun
☆ noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
◆ last round in a game of 12 rounds
☆ prefix
◆ precisely; exactly; plumb; totally; very
☆ suffix
◆ Mr.; Mrs.; Miss; Ms.; -san
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