Japanese newspaper
琥珀こはくからつかった「世界最小せかいさいしょう恐竜きょうりゅう」、先史時代せんしじだいのトカゲだった 新論文しんろんぶん
2021-06-16 07:10:03Z
Anonymous 16:06 16/06/2021
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琥珀こはくからつかった「世界最小せかいさいしょう恐竜きょうりゅう」、先史時代せんしじだいのトカゲだった 新論文しんろんぶん
label.tran_page ”The world’s smallest dinosaur” found in amber, a new paper that was a prehistoric lizard


label.tran_page A new paper has been published that states that the skull, which was found in amber 99 million years ago and was initially thought to be the smallest dinosaur in the world, was actually a prehistoric ”strange” lizard. Ta

label.tran_page In the March 2020 treatise, the skull in amber was said to belong to a dinosaur with the scientific name ”Oculudentavis Kaunglaae”, but this treatise was later withdrawn.

label.tran_page This amber, which is better preserved, contained the skeleton, scales, and soft tissues of the lizard, including the skull.
label.tran_page The place of discovery is the same as the first specimen of Oculudentavis, which is the origin of amber in Myanmar, and both ambers date back 99 million years.