In 1987 in Inuyama City, Aichi Prefecture, at a 450th year celebration of Inuyama Castle being a national treasure, gold leaf was used to cover a model of the castle.
In 1987 in Inuyama City, Aichi Prefecture, at a 450th year celebration of Inuyama Castle being a national treasure, gold leaf was used to cover a model of the castle.
It was 1m 30cm tall, weighed about 360kg, and cost 30 million yen.
It was 1m 30cm tall, weighed about 360kg, and cost 30 million yen.
However, Inuyama City thought there might be tourists who would visit in order to see the gold model, so it was decided that everyone should be able to see it.
However, Inuyama City thought there might be tourists who would visit in order to see the gold model, so it was decided that everyone should be able to see it.
A man who lives in Inuyama City said, “I didn’t know such a thing existed so I am surprised.
A man who lives in Inuyama City said, “I didn’t know such a thing existed so I am surprised.