ミャンマー 17日も複数の死者 ネット遮断で情報入手困難に
Myanmar On the 17th, multiple dead people became difficult to obtain information due to internet blockage
Myanmar On the 17th, multiple dead people became difficult to obtain information due to internet blockage
In Myanmar, where protests against the coup d’etat continue, it is reported that multiple deaths were caused by shooting by security authorities on the 17th.
In Myanmar, where protests against the coup d’etat continue, it is reported that multiple deaths were caused by shooting by security authorities on the 17th.
In Yangon, the largest city, security officials repeatedly shot at citizens protesting the coup on the 17th, and according to local media, one man whose head was shot died.
In Yangon, the largest city, security officials repeatedly shot at citizens protesting the coup on the 17th, and according to local media, one man whose head was shot died.
In addition, there is information that three people were killed in the shooting in northwestern Kale Myo.
In addition, there is information that three people were killed in the shooting in northwestern Kale Myo.
Myanmar’s human rights organization ”Political Prisoner Support Association” announced on the 17th that more than 200 people have died since the coup d’etat and about 2,200 people have been detained.
Myanmar’s human rights organization ”Political Prisoner Support Association” announced on the 17th that more than 200 people have died since the coup d’etat and about 2,200 people have been detained.
Also, after the 15th, the Myanmar army cut off the internet connection in many areas.
Also, after the 15th, the Myanmar army cut off the internet connection in many areas.
It is difficult to obtain detailed local information.
It is difficult to obtain detailed local information.