NZで立ち往生のドイツ人帰国へ、行きの乗客はウサギ1匹 独ルフトハンザ

A German passenger, who was stuck in NZ and returned to Germany, was one rabbit, Lufthansa

A German passenger, who was stuck in NZ and returned to Germany, was one rabbit, Lufthansa

With the spread of the new coronavirus in the world, a Lufthansa German passenger who flew to return a German stuck in New Zealand to the aircraft was named an Easter bunny named ”Jacinda”.

With the spread of the new coronavirus in the world, a Lufthansa German passenger who flew to return a German stuck in New Zealand to the aircraft was named an Easter bunny named ”Jacinda”.

Lufthansa Flight 9918 flew from Germany to New Zealand on the 11th

Lufthansa Flight 9918 flew from Germany to New Zealand on the 11th

To return more than 10,000 German tourists stuck in New Zealand to the spread of the new coronavirus

To return more than 10,000 German tourists stuck in New Zealand to the spread of the new coronavirus

According to the German Embassy, there are an estimated 12,000 to 15,000 German or European nationals remaining in New Zealand.

According to the German Embassy, there are an estimated 12,000 to 15,000 German or European nationals remaining in New Zealand.