【速報】米ペンシルベニア州でトランプ氏の演説中に発砲音 演説中止 けがの可能性も

[Breaking News] Gunshots heard during Trump’s speech in Pennsylvania, speech canceled, possible injuries

[Breaking News] Gunshots heard during Trump’s speech in Pennsylvania, speech canceled, possible injuries

A gunshot was heard during former President Trump’s speech.

A gunshot was heard during former President Trump’s speech.

Trump may have been injured

Trump may have been injured

Multiple gunshots rang out during Mr. Trump’s speech in Pennsylvania, a battleground state in the U.S. presidential election.

Multiple gunshots rang out during Mr. Trump’s speech in Pennsylvania, a battleground state in the U.S. presidential election.

There was a moment of commotion in the venue, and the speech was canceled.

There was a moment of commotion in the venue, and the speech was canceled.

Mr. Trump left the theater on his own while being supported.

Mr. Trump left the theater on his own while being supported.

The details of Mr. Trump’s condition are not known, but from the video it appears that blood is coming out from around his ears.

The details of Mr. Trump’s condition are not known, but from the video it appears that blood is coming out from around his ears.