サッポロビール “恵比寿”で35年ぶりにビール醸造
Sapporo Beer brews beer in ”Ebisu” again after 35 years
Sapporo Beer brews beer in ”Ebisu” again after 35 years
サッポロビールは恵比寿ガーデンプレイスの敷地内に「YEBISU BREWERY TOKYO」を2023年末にオープンすると発表しました
Sapporo Beer announced the opening of ”YEBISU BREWERY TOKYO” on the premises of Ebisu Garden Place at the end of 2023.
Sapporo Beer announced the opening of ”YEBISU BREWERY TOKYO” on the premises of Ebisu Garden Place at the end of 2023.
Ebisu is the place of origin of Ebisu Beer, and 35 years after the factory shut down in 1988, they will be able to brew beer again.
Ebisu is the place of origin of Ebisu Beer, and 35 years after the factory shut down in 1988, they will be able to brew beer again.
Aside from an opportunity to observe the manufacturing process in the new facility, the company plans to brew roughly 130 kilo liters of beer throughout the year with a limited edition of beer people can enjoy.
Aside from an opportunity to observe the manufacturing process in the new facility, the company plans to brew roughly 130 kilo liters of beer throughout the year with a limited edition of beer people can enjoy.
The company mentioned that they ”want to deliver a new valuable experience with Ebisu Beer”
The company mentioned that they ”want to deliver a new valuable experience with Ebisu Beer”
サッポロビール “恵比寿”で35年ぶりにビール醸造
Sapporo Beer brewing beer at Ebisu for the first time in 35 years
Sapporo Beer brewing beer at Ebisu for the first time in 35 years
サッポロビールは恵比寿ガーデンプレイスの敷地内に「YEBISU BREWERY TOKYO」を2023年末にオープンすると発表しました
Sapporo Breweries has announced that it will open YEBISU BREWERY TOKYO on the premises of Ebisu Garden Place at the end of 2023.
Sapporo Breweries has announced that it will open YEBISU BREWERY TOKYO on the premises of Ebisu Garden Place at the end of 2023.