Japanese newspaper
医学部いがくぶ入学試験にゅうがくしけん 今年ことし女性じょせい合格ごうかくりつのほうがたかくなる
2019-06-26 16:40:00
ASHISH KUMAR 14:06 26/06/2019
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医学部いがくぶ入学試験にゅうがくしけん 今年ことし女性じょせい合格ごうかくりつのほうがたかくなる
label.tran_page Entrance examination for medical school This year the passing rate of women will be higher.


label.tran_page The entrance examination for the medical department at 10 universities showed that it has lowered the score of women and people over the age of 22 last year and became a big problem


label.tran_page The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology examined the pass rates of men and women for this year’s entrance examination.
label.tran_page At seven out of ten universities, women’s pass rates were higher than men’s.
label.tran_page Only two colleges were more expensive last year than women.


label.tran_page Those who passed at the age of 22 or more were more than last year at nine universities.


label.tran_page At the university where there was a problem, this year, I stopped giving better scores to men and young people, and female teachers interviewed.