青春小説 : 絶対に読むべき本ランキング

The book rankings that should be read absolutely.

The book rankings that should be read absolutely.
第1位 蛇行する川のほとり(著者:恩田陸)

Recommended Day 1 (Konsha: Ondariku) This is a school where you can enjoy a variety of delicious food.

Recommended Day 1 (Konsha: Ondariku) This is a school where you can enjoy a variety of delicious food.

The hallucinations of Haruzion, the house of the house, etc. are almost like a broom.

The hallucinations of Haruzion, the house of the house, etc. are almost like a broom.
第2位 氷菓(著者:米澤穂信)

Day 2 Hyouka (Chosha: Yonezawa ho Nobu) Are you still being animated?

Day 2 Hyouka (Chosha: Yonezawa ho Nobu) Are you still being animated?
第3位 君の名は

Third is your name.

Third is your name.

(Cho-sha: Shinkana-koto) Men, I have read the story of Men and Women!

(Cho-sha: Shinkana-koto) Men, I have read the story of Men and Women!

If ”sustainable” things are added, there may not be something for them.

If ”sustainable” things are added, there may not be something for them.